
webcrunch is a leading online resource for web development tutorials, guides, and articles for early stage builders. Our mission is to provide high-quality content and resources to help developers improve their skills and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in web development.

Our Focus

We specialize in tutorials and guides on:

  • Ruby on Rails
  • Tailwind CSS
  • JavaScript
  • And other related technologies

Our goal is to make web development more accessible and easier to learn for developers of all levels.

Our Team

Our team is tiny and is a team of one currently. Andy Leverenz kicked off the blog nearly 8 years ago and has commited to publishing nearly every week with some sporadic breaks.

Our Values

  • Quality: We are committed to providing high-quality content and resources.
  • Community: We believe in building a community of developers who can learn from and support each other.
  • Real: We don't leave out the mistakes. We write like we talk. We educate as if you're in front of us.

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Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, we invite you to join our community and start learning with us today.